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8th Global Students SDG Challenge (SDGVIII-2023CPH):

Transforming Sustainability Through Students in Engineering

Aug 24-31, 2023

Aalborg University Campus Copenhagen
(A. C. Meyers Vænge 15, 2450 København, Denmark)

Âncora 2

General Context 2023: 


The SDG Challenge is an international event between universities focused on knowledge sharing and generation of joint projects between students from different universities from different countries with a focus on the 2030 Agenda. The partnership is led by Grupo Gestão / UnB and by the University of Aalborg in Denmark


As part of the Global Students SDG Challenge, we are having a one-week conference in Copenhagen, Denmark, during August 24-31, 2023. The event is taking place at Aalborg University (AAU).

The Brazilian students will have the opportunity to present in Copenhagen the projects they have made during the last semesters and lead workshops with Danish students to set-up the projects to be carried out in the second semester of 2023.

During the conference, from Aug 24-31, the Danish, Brazilian and other international students will work together on the project proposals for the following semester, based on the context of waste pickers and waste management in Brasília. Then, engineering students from all involved countries will make their semester projects in the autumn of 2023 based on these project proposals. 


We are very happy to make this event together, as it makes concrete and fosters our partnerships between Aalborg University and University of Brasília, as stated in our cooperation agreement:









General Trip Conditions: 

AAU will try to accommodate the Brazilian students with voluntary Danish students and provide food during the events to support their stay. However, due to the number of Brazilian students coming, it is not possible to ensure these resources for all. Therefore, it is expected that the Brazilians are prepared to cover these costs at least partially.

The Brazilian students will buy the airplane tickets themselves – approximate cost of R$ 6.500,00 (six thousand reais) – and they are encouraged to apply for different sources of funding in Brazil.

The students are welcome to plan side trips by themselves.



Committe of Professors: 


Jens Myrup Pedersen (Aalborg University, Denmark)


Paulo Celso dos Reis Gomes (University of Brasília)


Daniel Russo (Aalborg University, Denmark)


Simone Borges Simão Monteiro (University of Brasília)


Dianne Magalhães Viana (University of Brasília)



General Executive Coordinator:


Mateus Halbe Torres (Aalborg University, Denmark)




© 2023, Global Students SDG Challenge.

Made by Mateus Halbe Torres

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