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Diabetes Game - Virtual Implementation

Project Title: Furthering public knowledge on Type 2 diabetes through education of children


Stakeholders: Grupo Gestão; Aalborg University; Waste Pickers' children with diabetes; children, from low income families, with diabetes.


Problem: Diabetes is an expanding problem in the entire world, especially in areas of low income, emphasizing the waste pickers. It has come to our attention that diabetes is an expanding problem in Brazil, and it is estimated, that before 2045 the number of incidents will rise from 12 to 42 million. With the prevalence of diabetes and a growing number of patients in brazil there is a huge financial cost to the country, and therefore we thought that this project might be of interest to you, both economically and to reduce social inequality.


Context: This project aims to develop a learning game for the education of children in brazil on the topic of type 2 diabetes. This is done because of growing evidence that knowledge about the disease is not being communicated to low income communities, even though these communities are the ones affected the hardest.


In Aalborg, a team from Techno-anthropology have created a game and tested it at a school in a high diabetes risk area. They did two workshops with children to validate and adjust the game to their perspectives. Next step is translation and “synchronization” of the game to a brazilian context, as well as adapting it to a virtual approach.


Objective: Given this scenario, the goal of the semester is to have a full-plan for a game to educate children from low income families on the subject of Diabetes. The game must be:


- Based on the game that was developed in Aalborg last semester, but in portuguese and adapted to the Brazilian reality, with special consideration to waste pickers;

- Formulated to become a smartphone game, more specifically to be integrated to the Mobile Education for Waste Pickers App.


In order to better understand the game developed, you will need to contact Gustav and Victor (, If you need help on that, you can contact the Project Executives. These two files may also be helpful:











If you want to explore more, click here.

Project Executives: Isabel Alves e Julia Brito (PSP8) - &


Coordinator Responsible: Mateus Halbe (,


Supervising Professors: João Mello, Jens Myrup Pedersen, Paulo Celso, Simone Monteiro, Rikke Magnussen, Lise Rasmussen


Courses involved: PSP1 (1), PSP2 (1), PSP5 (1)


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