Date: 24-29 January, 2022
Place: Brasília, Brazil – University of Brasília
Website: sdgchallenge.com.br
Description: EPIC + SDG Challenge is an international event between universities focused on carrying out joint projects between students from different universities from different countries with a focus on the 2030 Agenda. The partnership is led by Grupo Gestão / UnB and by the University of Aalborg in Denmark.

The Dumpsite of Brasília, which was the 2nd biggest in the world, was finally closed. But many problems remain and the Waste Pickers who worked on the dump now try to build their new life. At the same time, many other dumpsites all over Brazil need also to be closed. What we do in Brasília will serve as model to the closure of the other many dumpsites in Brazil. Solutions on IT, engineering and research on humanities areas are our goal and will have significant impact!
SDG Challenge 2022 Preliminary Program​
SDG Challenge 2022
Short Description​
Case: Closing Brasilia Dumpsite by SLU​
Case: Closing Brasilia Dumpsite by ISWA​
2030 Agenda​